Friday, January 20, 2012


I know that we are already 20 days into the new year, but I just had to get my new year's resolution put out here into cyber space. Maybe seeing it in print will help me keep it this year.

If you read my blog from yesterday, you will know that I have a very hard time in social situations. People may think that Twitter, Facebook, and blogging would be easier for a person like me since we aren't in the same room. But, it is just as difficult, since I am putting myself out there to be scrutinized. I have seen so many things on Twitter and Facebook that I have wanted to respond to and didn't, because I thought "why would anyone care what I have to say." Well, I care about what I have to say, and now I am going to say it. So, if you see me responding to something you have written, it is because I care about both what you and how I feel about it.

Okay, so back to the resolution part. I actually have three this year. The first is to work through my social anxiety and really put myself out there. The second is to finish my book. And, the third is to publish my book independently.

I am happy to say, that after only 20 days, I am still on track with all three. I actually posted some things on Twitter yesterday and responded to someone else's post. I finished the prologue and started chapter one of my book. And, I contacted someone about cover art, checked on ISBN numbers and did some research on ebook publishing. So, not bad for a chick like me.

The only drawback to any of my plans, are the physical limitations I go through on a daily basis. I guess I forgot to mention that even though I am young, I have severe arthritis in both of my thumbs. The pain involves the entire thumb and down into my wrist, and this is on BOTH of my hands. I have had two surgeries already and will need at least two more. This type of arthritis is not caused by age, but by the fact that I am double jointed and have always been able to do freaky things with my thumbs, so I wore them out faster than normal. Cool, huh?

So, from this day forward, my blogs are going to be about the progress I am making on my book, books I have read and the authors that wrote them, tidbits of my life, music, and any other fun things I can think of.

By the way, this is the little face that greets me every morning, begs to be in my lap all day, and makes me smile through all the tough times. Her name is Shelby.

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